Action Lists

From ipm2016 ilriwikis

Action Lists

IPM session managers--Follow up with program leaders

  • Ensure program leaders have received the program and are aware of their time slot
  • Ensure they have their presentations ready and are aware of what is expected from them etc. (it would be good to have the presentations for Tuesday on Monday 3rd October; and those for Wednesday on Tuesday 4th October)
  • Reminder that they need to work with their teams to collate information generated through the various group sessions [this will also be supported by the facilitators and chart writers].
  • Ensure all charts and index cards are collected immediately after the session and following brief visualization by corporate support and P&OD teams, handed over to the program leader
  • Time management: Ensure session doesn’t go beyond the one and a half hours allocated

Planning ILRI IPM 2016: Program committee actions

Dates: 4th – 7th October 2016 (4th and 7th –are ½ day sessions) Meetings planned for every Thursday afternoon (2-4:30pm)

Program Committee members: Julie Ojango (chair), Lina Wanga, Peter Ballantyne, Catherine Pfeifer, Chris Jones, Elise Schiek, Alok Jha, Stella Massawe, Sita Ghimire, Vish Nene, Leah Symekher, Emily Ouma, Augustine Ayatunde ILRI Management: Iain Wright, Shirley Tarawali

No. Event/Topic Responsibility Comment Due by?
# 1. IPM General Content Set the corporate context (CGIAR , science strategy, programs, regions+++)
Overview of science plan;
Theory of Change (ToC—T. Randolph)
Program leader presentations: (short, sharp presentations): science, impact, resource mobilization, relationship to regions and CRPs.
Working groups with structured questions on programs

Interludes with science highlights and short impact stories (we could have a competition?)
People introduction slots
Corporate services (Consult Misje);
P&OD issues (Consult Stella)
Wrap up and feedback session – opportunity for PLs to gather and use feedback.
# 2. Meeting facilities Patrick—Logistics committee Involve Patrick/ member from logistics committee in program committee meetings
# 3. Registration for attendance of IPM by people from different locations Peter, Lina, Patrick, Julie Eventbrite to be used for registration and as reminder for all invitees.
Request those registering for IPM to provide information on
- Specific skills they are you using while working at ILRI (1-2 lines)
- Past experience/training do you have/ have worked on in the past—either along the same or a different discipline (2-3 lines)
(Draft questions shared as part of survey monkey 2016/08/24)

Send email to be sent to all ILRI for registration process
# 4. IPM2016 wikispace to help the organizers develop agendas Peter (Needs to be activated)
Use for sharing notes from meetings (Done :-) )
# 5. Set up working groups to lead different actions for IPM
- Program working group
- Group to coordinate inputs in different sessions
Three working groups were set up in meeting on 18th August 2016
Consult as required: Iain, Shirley, Misja
Group 1: Program sessions: Vish, Emily, Sita, Leah
Group 2: Corporate services, cross-cutting programs, business support services: Catherine, Augustine, Elise, Chris
Group 3: Start & Synthesis- Julie, Lina and Peter
# 6. Coordination of regional involvement Augustine? Each program could indicate outcomes within different regions
Generate/ use maps to indicate where funded activities are taking place—and challenges in different regions.
Request Misja to provide a “reality check” on resource mobilization across regions
# 7. ‘Branding’ and marketing – having a theme Objective of IPM: Clarity on where ILRI is going, program outlay, initial strategy on how to get there; Platform to identify opportunities to work together; Resource mobilization teams
# 8. Institutional participation: enthuse and motivate colleagues to attend, and really contribute

Have option for “virtual participation” by colleagues in different regions who cannot travel
having some clear objectives, deliverables, outcomes is good
Knowing ILRI and colleagues and building teamwork and collaboration and sense of purpose, morale, etc.Gaining some specific insights on some specific livestock/work ‘learn’ or share on different issuesDeveloping some things collectively; ie, concept notes for resource mobilization Having some fun/social dimensions is usually vital
(Draft survey questions shared for inputs 2016/08/24)

Use a survey monkey to seek information on
(i) what individual staff expect from IPM 2016,
(ii) identify topics of interest that could be followed up in group meetings over lunch hour
(iii) Request people to indicate/ highlight an exciting research results or idea
Inform staff about IPM date and event in gatherings such as in Coffee Morning
Share information on IPM at program leaders meeting
# 9. Communication information Have the ‘sam kaner’ course alumni practice their skills across the event (could collate critical points from presentations of program leaders? Do some focused online engagement before the event

Ewen has been contacted for supporting the facilitation process (24/08/2016)
i) a facilitator to assist in group discussion sessions; ii) a note taker/ chart writer to note key issues, opportunities for new projects, iii) cross-program options, integration of the regions –and any other critical points that may come up.

Have a special ‘daily tail’ newsletter for the first day=
# 10. Prepare draft overall program agenda with main time slots Team Done in meeting on Thursday 18th August 2016- see minutes
# 11. Planning of Lunch hour sessions
# 12. Sharing information on planning process with ILRI management Julie/ Lina / Patrick 1st feedback to management requested for 14th September 2016
# 13. Expectations from programs Team to provide details
Information needs to be shared with program leaders for further action ASAP
2. 0 Plans into Motion/ Action: Approvals for wider sharing Julie/ Peter/ Lina - End August
2.1 Tag line & IPM Logo # Better Science; Better lives (Sayansi Bora; Maisha Bora)
IPM mobilization message for all ILRI Sent: A reminder sent after 1 week
Event Brite
Survey Monkey 1
Challenges in Registration process Visas:
Each person who is to attend the IPM needs to register’s via the Eventbrite.
If travelling form outside Kenya, you will need to apply on-line for a visa. Indicate that the visa is for ____official business with ILRI (so it’s a business visa) costing $50
In the process of registration, there is a place where one is to indicate that you need assistance with a visa. Once this is indicated, information will sent to the department providing letters and support in visa and travel arrangements, and an official letter for the IPM will be sent to you to assist as you prepare to travel.
Note, support for visa’s will only be possible if the individual is registered in the system
On the Eventbrite, there is an option where you request for accommodation. If selected, a list of hotels available for accommodation are displayed and one can make the desired choice. Accommodation will be organized as per the information you provide in the Eventbrite
Name Tags Name tags to have 7 signs/ colours that will be used for grouping participants
Work with RMG team to get randomized groups for different sessions
Follow up with Patrick on how this will be done
Ice-breakers in morning sessions 5 minute skits/ mimes: Research technicians in BECA, PMO's, CKM team?
Theme around: working with scientists at ILRI
Budgets to get approval Market place--budget for stamps (ksh 10,000)--Prize for winners- use a lucky dip for those with >5 stamps? ILRI items? check with Patrick
Students 4, $ 300

Give aways: Bags, pens? Patrick?
Interest group meetings (Group 2 activity) Survey monkey 2 for 20th using information from Survey 1
3. 0 Capacity Development: Engaging students of communication in working with IPM communications unit Julie Follow up on option for working with students form Daystar & any other relevant institution:

Work with 4 Interns/ students: TOR, be available for whole week at ILRI, Provide a Stipend to facilitate their travel/availability